Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2024 USA Boxing Olympic Team

The Paris Olympics are about a month away and today we're going to look at the Olympic Boxing Team. As we all know, instead of a men's and women's teams, its men and women now. Let's see who qualified to represent the team this coming July.

110 lbs - Jennifer Lozano

21 year old southpaw Jennifer Lozano won the Women's Junior Olympics back in 2016 and the Women's Youth National Championship in 2020. She then won the National Championship in 2021 followed by the 2022 Elite National Championship and repeating as National champion in 2022. She took the silver in the 2023 Pan-Am Games and looks to make an impact come July in Paris.

112 lbs - Roscoe Hill

28 year old Roscoe Hill has been an amateur boxing going all the way back to 2009. In 2010 he was the USA Junior National Champion although he lost to Anthony Herrera in the 2020 Olympic Trials. This time around he won the Silver Medal in the 2021 Elite World Championships and the gold medal in the 2022 American Elite Championships. In the Olympic Qualifier, he lost to Nijat Huseynov in the quarterfinals but rebounded to win all three qualifier bouts in Thailand to make it to the Olympics. Realistically he may not have a chance but at least he got there. As a 28 year old amateur, what better way to bow out than with an Olympic medal?

125 lbs - Alyssa Mendoza

Representing the women's side is their 125 pound candidate , 20 year old Alyssa Mendoza. She made her amateur debut at the age of 13 in 2016 and made it to the semi-finals of the 2018 Women's Junior Olympics at 14. In 2019 she won the USA Western Regional Women's Junior Open then won the Eastern Regional later that year. She capped off 2019 by winning the Women's Youth National Championship. In 2022 she won the National Golden Gloves Tournament and the National Championship, avenging her 2021 loss to Yoseline Perez in the process. She won all four of her Olympic Qualifier bouts in both in Italy and Thailand to make the team. She competed in an international tournament in the Czech Republic and her only loss was to amateur veteran Irish boxer Michaela Walsh. She has as good a shot as any to do some damage in Paris.

125 lbs - Jahmal Harvey

The men's featherweight representative is 21 year old Jahmal Harvey. Harvey won the gold medal in the Junior Olympics back in 2016 and 2018. He also took the gold in the Youth Nationals in 2018. His first international exposure was winning the 2019 Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament over in Bulgaria. Back in the States, he repeated as Youth National Champion in 2019 then won the National Championship in 2020. In 2021 he was the youngest World Elite Champion at 18 and won the Grand Prix title in 2023. He is the current Pan Am Games champion as well so he's a heavy favorite to win a medal in Paris. Good luck to him.

132 lbs - Jajaira Gonzalez

The veteran on the women's side is 27 year old Jajaira Gonzalez. She was a teenage phenom, winning the AIBA Women's Junior championship in 2013 and 2014 along with the 2014 Youth National Championship & the gold medal in the 2014 Youth Olympics. She three-peated the AIBA Women's Juniors in 2015 and repeated the Youth Nationals that year as well. She placed second in the 2016 Olympic Trials, losing only to current pro boxing star Mikaela Mayer. Once again she won the Women's Nationals in 2017 but retired after losing in the Nationals in 2018. In 2021 she made a comeback, winning the National Championship and winning the gold in the 2022 Pan-Am Games. She just barely made the Olympic team after a loss to Beatriz Ferreira in the qualifiers but she's in it. For generations it was American kids against communist country professionals, now Team USA has experienced veterans such as Roscoe Hill and Gonzalez to turn the tables.

145 lbs - Morelle McCane

The elder stateswoman of the team is 29 year old Morelle McCane. She was the 2018 Golden Gloves champion and was the National Championship runner up that year. She repeated as Golden Gloves champion in 2019 and won the National championship in 2020. She won her third Golden Gloves title in 2021 and second National championship that year as well. She won her fourth Golden Gloves tournament in 2022 and the GeeBee tournament in Finland in 2023. Also in 2023 she took second in the Grand Prix tournament in the Czech Republic and finished second at the Pan-Am games. She's going to have to step it up if she hopes to win a medal against the best in the world.

156 lbs - Omari Jones

Team middleweight is 21 year old Omari Jones. In 2018 he won the silver medal in the 2018 Junior Olympics and lost to current pro boxing prospect Xander Zayas a few months later. He won the 2020 National Championship and won the silver in the 2021 Elite World Championships. He won the GeeBee Championship in Finland and the Grand Prix Championship in the Czech Republic in 2023. Then he won all four bouts in Italy to qualify for the Olympics. Not only does he have international experience, he has international success as well. He could be their best chance at a gold this year.

220 lbs - Joshua Edwards

24 year old Joshua Edwards may be last on the list, but he's not least. At 19 years old he was the Golden Gloves novice champion in Houston and in 2021 he was the National Champion. He won the gold medal in the 2023 Pan-Am Games and the bronze medal at the Grand Prix championship. He comes into Paris with momentum, let's see if that translates to international success.

So there's your 8 representatives for the Olympic team, 4 men and 4 women. Team USA hasn't won a gold medal since Andre Ward 20 years ago, they're due. Good luck to them all.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Fat Guy Falls Down

                                                      CHAPTER 1

Professor Herkimer Lagass was having a wonderful dream about his wife Yone wearing a gold bikini and giving him a lapdance. Yone was 4'11 and 130 pounds of Dominican beauty while Herkimer was a 5'8 300 pound fat guy that just happened to be exactly what she was looking for in a husband. Yone was grinding her heavenly hips and booty up on him before she turned around and wrapped her arms around his big fat neck. Suddenly she started licking his face and it confused him greatly. All of a sudden he woke from the dream to find his dog Ralphus licking his face to wake him up. "Oh dammit, Ralphus! Really? Shoo...shoo!" Ralphus jumped off the bed as Herkimer rubbed his face and ended up rolling halfway off the bed, barely catching himself on the nightstand while saying "Woahhhhh." From downstairs he heard Yone say in her thick Dominican accent "Su bueno, papi???" Herkimer said "Yes, yes....I'm fine. Damn dog." Herkimer rolled out of bed and stretched while yawning....hearing the unmistakable sound of his pants ripping in the process. "Dammit all to heck!" He said as he checked the giant gap in his thighs. "That's the second time in three weeks!" He quickly shed his pajama pants and top and stood in front of the mirror in his underwear. He had a huge belly that his moobs rested on and a big double chin. He said "At least Yone loves me." He then started getting dressed in his work suit. 

He was a history professor at Big Island University, home of the Kincaid dynasty. His dress shirt clung to his big belly and his dress pants seemed to be suffering the same fate as his pajamas. As he put on his tie the dog rushed between his legs chasing a ball which caused him to nearly choke himself with the tie knot. He said "Blarghghhhhh, cough cough, what's with you Ralphus?" He struggled to put his socks on and was actually sweating as he put his shoes on. He then waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Rather than coffee or tea and eggs for breakfast, he simply re-heat the leftover chicken tenders from the night before. As he sat down with the tenders, he went to put one in his mouth when he stopped. Yone had opened the refrigertator and bent all the way over in her underwear to get a pop tart out of the bottom cabinet. Herkimer could only admire the big round booty all up in the air when Ralphus hopped up on his thigh and stole the chicken tender out of his hand. Herkimer shook his head and said "That's what I get for getting distracted." Yone said "Que?" as Herkimer said "The dog stole my tender out of my hand." Yone said "Here have a poptart." Herkimer went "I don't want a pop tar....." but before he could finish she already shoved one in his mouth. He quickly spat it out and said "Tart! Blah! You know I don't like blueberry!" Yone laughed as he shook his head. Herkimer finished his tenders with a load of ketchup as Yone shook her head and said "You need to eat better." Herkimer said "Yeah yeah, someday." Herkimer got up and checked his wrist noticing his watch wasn't on it. He said "Where's my watch?" Yone answered "Its in the living room." Herkimer remembered taking it off the night before and went to the living room. As he was walking into the living room he could hear Yone humming to the radio and imagining her moving her hips. He smiled in his daydream but right on cue he walked shin first into his coffee table. "MOTHER OF PEARL!" He said as he started hopping up and down. Yone rushed into the room and asked "You okay?" He said "I walked into the damn coffee table!" She said "Why you do that?" He replied "Because I was daydreaming of you." She said "Awwww mi amore" and kissed him deep while he wasn't expecting it. He said "Well, you too honey." He put his watch on, grabbed his briefcase and walked outside. 

His bus was usually on time so he walked slowly out of the house and to his stop only to see that the bus was early today. He then started to run as fast as he could with his briefcase flopping around trying to catch the bus. One of the patrons in the back pointed and laughed at him. "Hey...huff...pufff....hold that bus....hey!" Thankfully the driver saw him and kept the doors open as he panted, just making it to the door. The driver said "You okay, sir?" Herkimer slowly made his way up the stairs and said "Usually....the bus arrives at 7:30....its 7:28..." The driver said "Yeah, there was nobody on State Street, sorry dude." Herkimer said its okay as he staggered to a seat before sitting down. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweating brow, trying to catch his breath. Just before his stop, he noticed a blonde woman close to his age giving him the googly eyes while biting her lip. He looked around and figured out she was checking him out. He checked to see if his fly was down, nope. He looked to see if he split any of his clothes. Nope, still intact. Then he simply smiled at her which caused her to wink at him. He got red in the face and reached out for the pole to pull himself up only to miss completely and fall directly on his face. Everyone on the bus laughed except for the lady who helped him up while saying "Are you okay?" He said "Yes, yes, coming up, blarghhh." The woman not only dusted him off but he felt her hands rub his belly and his butt. He said "Um, thank you ma'am." She said "Anytime" before winking again and going back to her seat. He got red in the face again but almost fell over again when it reached his stop. Thankfully he was holding onto the pole this time. As the driver said "Big Island University!" Herkimer said "What a day." It had only just begun.

                                                                CHAPTER 2

It was around 3 o'clock when Herkimer was in the middle of teaching his last history class. He was writing on the board while trying to explain the 1840 Presidential Election. "So you see class, the Whig party used underhanded tactics to get William Henry Harrison elected. They claimed President Van Buren was the rich aristocrat while Harrison was the working man's war hero. In actualality it was the opposite. Van Buren grew up the son of a salloonkeeper listening to bar patrons talk politics while Harrison was the one who grew up on a plantation." Herkimer then looked out into the seats and the whole front row were girls giving him googily eyes. There was a brunette named Mary, a redhead named Patty, a blonde named Anna and a dark haired Japanese girl named Masame. Anna was about 5'5 and 105 pounds and she had her head on her wrists while sighing. She closed her eyes and she had something written on her eyelids. Herkimer continued "And because of the recession going on....Martin....he..." He leaned in to read her eyelids so she smiled and closed her eyes. The words "You're hot" were written across her eyelids which caused Herkimer to go red-faced. The class dork named Dan threw his arms up and said "He...he what?" Herkimer caught himself and said "He....was at a disatvantage. Let me cue up a short video, maybe something other than my voice will get you all to listen."

Herkimer cued up the video screen and pressed play on a nearby keyboard before sitting back in his very creaky chair. The girls paid more attention to him leaning back then they were the video explaining the election. Herkimer's eyes began to get heavy and soon his head was on his chest. The class clown named Joe leaned over and tapped Dan on the shoulder. He told Dan "He's got four hot girls in front of him and he's over here falling asleep." Dan "What do they see in him anyway?" Joe "I don't know but watch that chair. I loostened the bolts before class." Dan rubbed his hands and said "Showtime." A minute later the chair creaked......and creaked.....and creaked.....CRASH! Finally the chair gave out as Herkimer fell sideways, catching his right foot through the side of the desk. Herkimer jerked awake and shouted "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!" as the class laughed. Herkimer tried to get up but with his foot caught he simply fell backwards again with his tie and other foot up in the air. Joe stood up and said "So that's what a turtle on its back looks like" as the crowd laughed again. Herkimer shouted "Shut up before I kick you with my other foot!" Anna ran over and did her best to get him free. "Mr. Lagass are you okay?" Joe said "Yeah Mr. Lardass, are you okay?" As Herkimer got to his feet and said "You're lucky this isn't a chalkboard, I'd throw the chalk and eraser at ya!" Anna brushed Herkimer off as he said "Thank you Anna, return to your seat." Anna pinched his backside out of view from everyone else which caused his face to turn red again. He said "Yes, Van Buren." Suddenly the bell rang and the class began to file out. He said "We'll continue with this tomorrow, I'd like an essay on if you think the Whigs did the right thing to get Harrison elected or not." Anna, Mary, Patty and Masame walked out talking about how great Herkimer looks and how they'd date him if he was younger which caused him to blush again. He said out loud "Good thing Yone isn't here...what a day. I'm gonna need a new chair. I'll tell the Dean tomorrow." Herkimer gathered up his briefcase, put everything he needed in it and walked out the door.

Herkimer walked to the bus stop and this time the bus was late. He sat down at the stop and a blonde girl with a bit of pudge and a blue streak in her hair walked by, giving him a wink. He shook his head and said "Wow, what a day." He didn't notice but a rather large lady sat down next to him on his left with a beagle dog on her lap. The thick girl that had walked by had on a Steve Miller t-shirt and he started saying "Fly like a...." he looked to his left and the dog's face was now inches from his as he finished "....beagle." The dog started licking his face and plopped down next to him as he said "Hey hey, what's the idea!" The large lady laughed as the dog brushed his head against Herkimer. He said "Awww, good dog." Finally the bus arrived and they all got on. One the bus the lady and Herkimer had a nice chat as the dog stretched out across both of their large thighs. Finally when it was Herkimer's stop he got up with his briefcase and walked to the door. The lady's name was Rachel and she said "It was nice to meet you, Herkimer. He looked back as he was about to exit and said "It was nice to meet you too." Unfortunately for him, the distraction caused him to miss a step and he fell right down the stairs, his tie going up and his briefcase flying into the street. Herkimer hit the cement ass first and laid on his back for a second going "Owowowowowwwwwwww!" The driver said "Sir are you okay?" He said " a lot of padding." Herkimer stood up, arched his back and retrieved his briefcase. He waived to the driver who waived back and drove off. As he held his back he walked toward his house and said "Can anything else happen today?" Oh he had.....NO IDEA!

                                                   CHAPTER 3

As Herkimer neared his house around 5 PM, he felt the aches and pains of all the falls he took. He put his arm on his back and said "Ugh, ow...ugh...ow...." when suddenly he stepped on a skateboard that was half hidden in the grass and started to spin in a circle. He said "Hey woah, woah WOAHHH" and he tripped backwards, sending the skateboard into the street as he landed in the next door neighbor's bushes. As he gathered himself, dusting off the pin needles, the neighbor's kid Pete said "Hey you found my skateboard Mr. Lagass, thank you!" Herkimer again arched back and said "Yeah, anytime Pete....ugh." He looked at the bush he just landed in and a pair of hedgeclippers fell to the ground. All of a sudden his next door neighbor Tom, Pete's dad, leaned out a nearby window and said "Oh, there they are. I was looking for those. Thanks Herkimer!" Herkimer went to answer "Oh that's habebiba......." and he was cut off as Tom had already closed the window. Herkimer made his way to his own house and sighed while saying "I just want to go home, ugh." Herkimer got to his front steps when Ralphus started barking in the window. Herkimer said "Ralphus, Ralphus....stop, not today. I'll be inside in a second. Before he could open the door, it opened from the inside and Ralphus leaped into Herkimer. Herkimer caught the dog but fell backwards on the ground again. Yone appeared in the door wearing a pink dress that clung to her curves as she laughed. She said "Awww he missed you." Ralphus licked Herkimer's face as he said "Ralphus....for the love of Pete. Yone said "Come inside, I show you a surprise mi amor." Herkimer said "If Ralphus ever gets off of me!!!" Yone said "here boy, come in." Ralphus ran inside as Herkimer laid back for a second and began to mock cry. He then looked to his left and found that morning's newspaper in the grass. He said "Oh, there it is. Delivery boy must have been late." He picked up the newspaper and his briefcase before finally making it inside the house. He put the paper on the kitchen table and said "Lot of good it does now." He set the briefcase down on the dining room table and shed his suitcoat as Yone said "What happened to you?" Herkimer looked at all the dirt on his dress clothes, the frazzled tie and frizzy hair on his head and said "Honey, I had the worst day ever." Yone smiled and said "I'll make it better for you, come with me." Yone grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs.

Unfortunately she ran too fast for him to keep up so she actually pulled his momentum so much, he took a header into the stairs. Yone said "Oh dios mio, are you ok?" Herkimer said "Oooooh" while holding his shin before saying "I'm fine."  When they made it to the stairs she held his hands and led them to their bedroom. He tried to close the door but he only got it halfway shut when she stopped in front of their bed. Herkimer said "What do you want to show me?" She pushed him down onto the bed which nearly sent the pillows flying into the air. She undid the straps on her dress and slowly slid them down. Herkimer's eyes lit up as Yone had her nipples pierced. Yone asked "What do you think?" Herkimer blushed and said "um, uh...honey they're....amazing." Yone's eyes lit up and she launched herself on top of him. He kissed her passionately and rubbed his hands on her newly pierced breasts & nipples. She moaned as their kisses got deeper as he squeezed them as gently but still firmly. She told him "Off with the shirt, the way I like!" Herkimer said "Do I have to?" She nodded her head and said "Si, papi." Yone got off of him and he said "Stand back." Herkimer then pressed his huge gut out as far as it could and the buttons flew off his shirt, one of them bouncing off the dressed and off of Yone's back. She said "Muy caliente! as she ripped the remnants of the shirt off. She undid his pants and removed them in almost record time before sliding her own dress off. Herkimer's face flushed red as he admired his lovely wife and her pierced nipples in just her underwear. He said "On three..." They said in unison "One...two...THREE" and they both pulled each other's underwear off. She jumped in his arms and they kissed again, his hands massaging anywhere they could. With her in his arms he staggered forward against the door and he started licking her nipples. She moaned and said "You ready, papi?" He nodded his head.

She pushed him toward the bed while kissing and jumped into his arms again. He was going to gently fall back into the bed with her on top but all of a sudden Ralphus had burst through the door and ran through his legs, causing Herkimer to stumble. He then fell with full momentum on the bed, breaking it and sending Yone flying into the air then back on top of him, making him go "Ooooooffffff." Yone said "Oh dios mio.....Ralphus, mierde!" Herkimer could only sigh but then kissed Yone deep on the lips and said "Ti amo mi amore." Yone kissed him back and said "Ti amo, papi." She then started to gyrate her chest against his and he leaned back and smile. Suddenly he looked to his left and Ralphus was directly in his face. Ralphus licked Herkimer's face and he just looked directly ahead and squished his face in a disappointing sigh.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Runner's Gut


Fay squeezed, grunted, stretched and desperately tried to slip her sized XL black, sequined dress down her curvy, plump body. She wondered why she was even going to the stupid reunion since she really lost contact with a lot of the people she knew in high school. Not only that, she had gained over a hundred pounds since most of them had last seen her. She was 5 foot 6 with back length brown hair, blue eyes and was a track star in high school. Her senior year she weighed 130 pounds during track season which was rather beefy for the track team, but that's mostly due to she had a sweet tooth. Fay had been running track since middle school to control her weight and was pretty fast. As she managed to get the dress down over her boobs and gut, she had to wiggle her big hips to get it down over her ass. Luckily for her, she still had a rather firm butt from all the years of running she did and managed to slip the dress down. She looked about six months pregnant in it, but it still fit enough to be wearable. She checked herself out in the mirror and scoffed at the size of her belly. She squeezed it and said out loud “God I'm fat.” She normally could deal with her co-workers and her two sons making snide comments because she had been overweight for a while now, but her high school classmates saw her as a svelte runner.

After Fay left high school, she went to a communications school that didn't have a track team. The freshman fifteen ended up being a freshman thirty that she kept because she got pregnant by her boyfriend at the time. They ended up getting married when she was 20 and she had another baby after she graduated. Unfortunately for her, her boyfriend was a sleazebag and ended up cheating on her. She filed for divorce three years earlier and that's when the weight started piling on. Depression from being alone and the stress from raising two kids essentially by herself caused her to balloon up to 200 pounds. She gained the last thirty over the previous two years to put her at 230 pounds as she was getting ready. She thought it was terrible timing to have their ten year reunion in the middle of February after the holidays but she realized it was her own fault for getting so fat, not anyone else. There were going to be a lot of people that were going to be shocked she put on so much weight but there were three people in particular she REALLY needed to avoid. Her former rival at school Grace Hudgins who was one of the stereotypical bitchy popular girls, Hank Wilson the captain of the football team who she dumped in middle school and he never forgot about it, and Trey Saunders, her ex-boyfriend and track star on the boy's team back in high school. She didn't want to see Grace or Hank because they hated her, but she didn't want Trey to see her fat like this. When they dated in high school she was a lot slimmer and he was an all-star athlete. The problem was he was offered a full scholarship at Florida State University which was 1,000 miles from Indiana where they were from. Indiana State wasn't interested and Indiana University would only pay for a half scholarship so he figured to go to school for free in sunny Florida.

Fay's youth and immaturity played a factor in their breakup as she couldn't stay faithful to Trey who was 1,000 miles away their freshman year. When she ended up getting pregnant by her now ex-husband, it drove Trey away and she hadn't heard from him since. As she finished getting ready, she pouted her lips and tried to look sexy but she wasn't feeling it. She thought her cheeks were too chubby and her double chin was too prominent. Still, she knew some of the jerks at school weren't in the best shape these days either so she wasn't too worried. As Fay finished combing her hair, she packed up her purse and went downstairs. Her mother was watching the kids that night so she said her goodbyes as she got in her car. A lot of people moved after finishing high school but she lived in the same town so it wasn't too far a drive. She thought it was silly to hold the reunion at the high school instead of a ritzy ballroom or some other place to house the Class of 13. She looked down at her gut and sighed thinking that if she can notice it, then others will as well. As she drove she thought about how she was going to avoid Grace, Hank and Trey. “Maybe they wouldn't even be there” she thought. Then she scoffed and said “Yeah, and pigs will fly out of my ass.” She thought about lighting a cigarette which she still kept in her car but she thought better of it. Part of her gain had to do with her quitting smoking during the holidays. She started when she was having problems with her ex-husband who was also a smoker. She thought by picking up the habit, it would scare him straight but it didn't work. She kicked the habit but now had a gut and chubby cheeks as the effect of kicking it. When she finally got to the old high school, memories flooded back. One of them in particular was finishing second in a track meet against the number 1 and 8 runners in the whole state. Against the same school, Trey finished 1st in the boys meet. She didn't want him to see her but it might have been inevitable.

As she pulled into the parking lot, she looked around to make sure nobody could see her. It was an unusually warm night so she only needed her overcoat but she wished she had worn leggings. Not that it was that cold out, but she thought that they'd make her thighs look slimmer. As she shut the door a voice from behind said “Fay?” Fay froze and said to herself “Here we go.”


Fay turned around and luckily it was her old friend Susan. Susan was her chubby friend she grew up with that she used to tease about her weight but nothing too malicious. Susan by now was still chubby but definitely weighed less than Fay now. She was somewhere near 180-200 pounds and 5 foot 7 with shoulder length brown hair, a nice potbelly and perky breasts. She was wearing a brown overcoat that was concealing her purple dress that clung to her curves. She was smoking her own cigarette outside of her car and she put it out as she saw Fay. Fay said “Sue?” Susan said “It is you!” She came over and hugged Fay close. They kept in touch as Facebook friends after graduating but hadn't really kept in contact. Part of the abuse Fay suffered was her ex-husband pretty much cut off all contact with friends, especially male but also female. She was too young at the time to know it was jealous, petty and pathetic. She said “Its so good to see you Sue, you look great!” Sue laughed and said “Ha, I'm still chubby, but you.....YOU got chubby.” Sue patted Fay's belly even though she was wearing a jacket and Fay said sarcastically “Oh thanks, haven't seen you in years and that's the first thing you say?” Sue smiled and said “Payback for all those years you called me Fat-Sue” Fay rolled her eyes and said “It was a joke, you know you were my bestie.” Sue said “Sure, sure, did you finally get rid of that ex-husband of yours?” Fay nodded her head and said “Yeah, finally. I'm sorry I didn't keep in good contact. How's Richard and Toby?” Toby was Sue's husband and Richard was their four year old son. Sue said “They're good, how's Sam and Peter?” Sam was Fay's oldest son and Peter was her younger one.” Fay said “Sam's really struggling with the divorce but the dickhead was hard on Peter for some reason so he's not too mad about it.” Sue said “They'll get over it, let's go inside before we freeze.” Fay said “I'm scared to.” Sue replied “Why?” Fay said “I'm afraid of Grace, Hank and Trey.” Sue shook her head and said “Maybe Grace matured in the last ten years, but fuck Hank. You know his wife left him and took their daughter because he was a jobless drunk? He has no leg to stand on. Trey....yeah, may want to avoid him if he's still not over you cheating on him.” Sue said “Its not just that, I just don't want them to see me...fat.” Sue said “Oh please, I've been fat my whole life. You get used to it after a while, besides YOU were the one that used to slap my butt and say “move your fat ass” when I would sleep over. Fay laughed and even Sue chuckled at that before saying “Let's go.”

Sue and Fay walked in the front door where some of the old class officers were there to greet them. The class treasurer Rob was now bald with a goatee while Faith the drama club leader still had long flowing blonde hair but looked like she was 38 instead of 28. Rob shook both their hands and say “Susan Preston and Fay Yeung, good to see you.” Fay said “Hi Rob....hi Faith.” as Sue said hello. Faith said “We're in the cafeteria, come on in.” Sue and Fay could hear the music as they walked in the front door. Absolutely nothing had changed in the last ten years except for some of the pictures on the walls. They walked down the halls and once again the memories came back to Fay. Lunch in those days were usually her starving herself to keep her runners body during track season and not blow up too much in the off-season. Trey never once made fun of her body whenever she put on weight and liked her no matter what.

It was surreal for Fay to see her old classmates ten years older than when she last saw them. Some of them had put on weight, some of them looked exactly the same. The captain of the ski team, Mary, was currently pregnant and was sitting down at one of the tables nearby eating hors d'ouerves. As she and Sue greeted everyone, the majority of them were glad to see them and only a few made weight comments. As expected, Grace Hudgins hadn't changed a bit and called her “The Hindenburg” but Sue made the save by saying Grace couldn't even spell that correctly. Dinner was supposed to be served shortly but everyone gravitated toward the dance floor. They were playing a lot of songs that were popular in 2013 and Blurred Lines was currently going. Sue and Fay started dancing together on the dance floor although both were out of breath rather quickly, which they laughed about. Then all of a sudden somebody bumped into Fay, nearly knocking her over. It was Hank Wilson who reeked of booze. He was now heavyset with a buzzcut while wearing an undersized gray suit that looked like it was either rented or bought at a second hand store. He said “Oh my god its Fay Yeung. Hahahaha look at you. You're FAT! HAAAAHAHAHA” Hank started laughing and looking around for approval but the crowd around him either ignored him or looked visibly miffed. He looked around for his old buddies but they weren't there so he staggered off. Sue said “Did you see how fat he is? He has no room to talk.” Fay looked visibly uncomfortable as she feared both Grace and Hank would have a field day. It was only a matter of time before Trey had his turn.

Suddenly Hank returned with Grace in tow although Mary had come over to sit nearby. Hank said “Looooooook, she's fattttttt, hahahahaha” Grace put her hands on her hips and said “I know Hank, some people just let themselves go and turn sloppy.” Before Sue could say anything, Fay stepped up and said “Now why would you go and insult Hank like that?” Francis Leever, the basketball player back in high school went “Ohhhhhhhh” as Mary and Sue started laughing. Hank then said “What you say slant eye? Ohhhhhhhh!” Once again Hank looked around for approval but everyone was aghast. Even Grace facepalmed at him because even though she hated Fay for her weight, not even she would resort to racism.” Fay went to walk away when she bumped into someone standing behind her who said “Is there a problem Henry?” Fay's eyes bulged as she recognized the voice, it was Trey.


Fay looked up and sure enough, it was her ex-boyfriend Trey. He stood 5'11 and still looked in great shape. He had short red hair, green eyes and was wearing a black dress shirt and blue dress pants. Hank looked up at him and said “Well well well, its Trey The Gay haaaaahahahahaha” Once again Hank looked around like it was still sophomore year math class but everyone just shook their heads at him. Trey then put his arm around Fay and squeezed her love handle which caused her to jump a bit before saying “Now why'd you have to go and say that, Henry? Now I'm gonna have to win prom king again over you.” The crowd kind of chuckled as Hank looked around, noticing that no one was on his side. Hank said “You're lucky Fisk and Raymond aren't here, we'd fuck you up!” Trey laughed and said “Do you still think its 2013, Henry? Fisk is a year younger than us so he wouldn't be here anyway and...quite frankly, Raymond likes me better than you. Ask him yourself, he's in the bathroom I just came out of.” Once again Francis said “Ohhhhhhhh” and Hank started getting visibly upset. Hank said “Your girlfriend over there put on a few pounds, I'm surprised you haven't haaahahahaha” Hank continued to look around for others to laugh with him but no one did as Trey said “You put on a few more.” Sue then said “Yeah really Hank, how dare you insult Fay's looks when you look like Augustus Gloop.” Trey laughed loud as Hank threw his hands up and said “Well fuck you both then.” Trey said “Tell me something Hank, you're divorced, the kids are gone and you're acting like its 2013 still. Let me guess, you're still driving that 2012 Mitsubishi your dad bought you to this day right?” Sue then said “That's right, I noticed the car in the parking lot.” Fay then finally spoke and said “You were the epitome of peaked in high school hahahaha.” The crowd started laughing as Hank stormed off in a huff. Grace then said “What would your wife think of your fat girlfriend here, Trey?” The crowd then looked at Trey who took his arm off Fay. Fay's eyes bulged as she had no idea Trey was married. Without missing a beat, Trey said “My wife would like her better than you, Grace.” Once again Francis said “Ohhhhh” as Grace scoffed and said “Yeah well, look at Fay now. Don't you feel silly that your ex girlfriend is a blimp now?” Sue went to punch Grace but Trey held her back and said calmly “Hey we all make mistakes, right? After all, you and I dated right?” She shook her said and said “Ew, no.” Trey said “Oh yeah, guess I didn't make a mistake right guys?” Everyone laughed as Grace shouted “Fuck you and your wife!” Trey said “She's better looking than you.” and Grace stormed off the same way Hank did. Once the crowd dissipated, Trey looked at Fay as Fay said “Hi Trey.”

Trey said “Hi Fay.” Sue then excused herself to go smoke outside as Fay stood in front of Trey as she said “Thanks for sticking up for me.” Trey said “I wasn't going to stand there and let Hank say racist things.” Fay nodded her head and Trey said “Or make fun of your size, only I can do that.” Fay then said “Wait, wha....” before she could say anything Trey patted Fay's belly and her face went beet red. Fay said “Trey!” Trey said “I think its cute.” Fay said “You really mean that?” Trey looked around to make sure no one was looking and said “Yeah, can I do it again?” Fay was shocked that he'd ask that but she too looked around and said “Yeah I guess.” Trey stood in front of her and rubbed her belly in a circle before patting it a little firmer than before, he said “Now this is a big belly.” Fay once again blushed and said “Treyyyyyy, come on.” Trey said “Sorry, sorry.” Fay said “For real, you like it?” Trey said “I really like it, I think you look hot.” Fay said “I didn't think you would. I was afraid of seeing Grace, Hank and you tonight.” Trey said “Ha, Hank is nothing and Grace isn't doing too much better. Why me?” Fay “Because know.” Trey nodded his head and said “Well like Grace said, we all make mistakes. It did hurt for a long time but I got over it. Its been ten years. Besides..” Once again Trey patted Fay's belly and said “You've improved since then.” Fay said “Oh my god Trey” before she laughed. Trey said “Have you eaten yet? Dinner is served.” Fay said “What's for dinner?” Trey said “Come with me and find out.”

Trey led Fay over to where food was being served and Fay's eyes bulged at the spread of food. Hors d'ouerves, roast beef, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, rice, corn, green beans, egg salad, garden salad, caesar salad and a full stocked bar. Trey made himself a caesar salad while Fay put together a small plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. Trey did a double take and said “Wait what? Oh no no no no no no no no....” Trey then took the big spoons and piled Fay's plate with more meatloaf, potatoes and green beans to completely fill it up. Fay said “What are you doing?” Trey said “Live a little, besides, you look like you'd enjoy it.” Fay blushed again and went to complain but she WAS pretty hungry. She thought to herself she'd just eat a bit of it. Well 15 minutes later Fay's belly was pretty full as her plate was empty. She said “Shooooooooooo” and rubbed her belly under the table. Sue had sat with Mary and Trey and they all talked about the old times. Trey then noticed Fay's plate was empty and said “Ready for seconds?” Fay said “Seconds? I'm stuffed, I can't possibly.” Trey said “But you have to try the roast beef, come on, let's get some.” Fay said “But...but” but Trey dragged her back to the spread. Trey got himself a plate of roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans while Fay filled her plate with roast beef, rice and corn. Once they sat down, once again they resumed eating and talking. Fay could feel her dress get tighter and tighter as once bite after another went in her mouth. She felt like her belly was going to be bigger than Mary's soon and she wasn't even pregnant. Fay pushed her plate away and said “No more, no more, I'm going to explode.” Trey then said “You saved room for ice cream right?” Fay's eyes bulged and said “Ice cream? I don't know....” Before she could even say anything, Trey had made a mad dash back to the spread and put a little bowl of ice cream together. He rushed back as Fay had her hand on her belly and was breathing heavy. Once Trey sat down, Mary said she had to go to the bathroom and then to her car for something. Sue said she'd help her out and they both got up and left. When they were alone, Trey sat with Fay and said “Let me help you.” Fay shook her head and said “No thanks, I...ULP!” Before she could even say no, Trey was feeding her the ice cream. Plunging it into her awaiting mouth and making her swallow. She couldn't even say no as he was scooping and feeding her at a conveyor belt pace. Her dress felt like it is was going to split and her belly felt like it was going to burst. When the bowl was empty she sat back and belched loudly before saying “That's it...I tap...I can't.”

Trey then held her close and said “That's a good girl.” He then rubbed her swollen belly which felt like a bowling ball and she burped again. “Oh, excuse me.” He said “Its okay, its a given that was going to happen. You've been such a good girl.” Fay said as he was rubbing her belly “I've been a baboi.” Trey said “Huh?” She said “You know my grandmother calls me baboi?” Trey said “Mrs. Yeung is still alive? That's good to know. What's that mean?” Fay said “Baboi in the Philippines means 'pig' over here.” Trey smiled, pulled Fay close and kissed her deep on the lips before saying “You're such a baboi.” Fay was speechless, part of her felt angry that he just called her a pig but another part was starting to get turned on by Trey patting and kissing her. Finally she said “Trey...I...i'm not used to this.” Trey said “What, being a sexy little baboi?” Fay blushed and said “Yeah.” Trey said, “Well, remember our old spot? I don't think anyone's there so let's go.” Fay said “Wait, you mean the boiler room?” Trey said “Wanna go?” Fay looked around and said “Yes....”


Fay took Trey's hand and as they got to their feet, Fay felt the full weight of all she ate drop to her gut and she wobbled trying to keep her balance. Trey held her hand and they walked out of the cafeteria. As they were walking slowly, Trey whispered in your ear “You're waddling aren't you.” Fay giggled and said “Like a pregnant lady.” They made it look like they were going outside only to turn left further down the hall into the school. Fay huffed and puffed but asked “Isn't that area supposed to be locked?” Trey said “Yeah, but when has that ever stopped me before?” Trey and Fay walked before Trey said “I gotta ask, its been on my mind for ten years, why'd you cheat on me?” Fay stopped in her tracks and said “I was 18, I was lonely, you weren't around and my ex was right there. Honestly if I hadn't gotten pregnant, I might have ended it.” Trey stopped himself and said “Yeah, I was 18 and lonely myself. If you hadn't gotten pregnant I might have forgiven you but I didn't want to tear apart a family. Now that I'm married myself, its water under the bridge.” Fay said “I don't regret my children, only how they came about and who I had them with.” Trey said “The idea of you pregnant is hot though.” Fay giggled and said “I feel it right now.” Trey then backed Fay into one of the walls nearby, leaned down and kissed her deep. At first Fay went with the kiss and Trey continued to rub her belly. His hands then went for her breasts and she moaned in his mouth. Trey whispered in your ear “Your nipples are so hard” and he tugged on them. Fay dug his nails into his back as he started kissing the sides of her neck.

Suddenly said “Wait...wait....stop Trey.” Trey realized she was pushing him off and immediately stopped. He said “What, what's wrong?” Fay said “We can't, you're married now.” Trey then held her chubby cheeks in his hands and said “Fay, the last time we were in these halls, we were 18 and track stars. When we walk out these doors tonight, we're 28, I'm married and you have two kids and a worthless ex-husband to worry about. Tonight, back in these halls, we're 18 again. Let us enjoy this one night together again before we go back to our lives, okay?” Fay nodded her head, said “Okay” and they kissed deeply. They walked hand in hand down the hall and stopped at the boiler room door. Trey then said “Okay, where's that key.” Trey started looking around as Fay said “Wait, you had the key?” Trey shook his head and said “Remember David the janitor? He would lose his keys all the time so he kept the key to the boiler door hidden nearby. All I have to do is......awwww shit!” Fay said “What's wrong?” Trey said “Look” and he pointed to the doorlock. “Its not the same lock as it was 10 years ago, they must have fired Dave or something.” Fay said “Now what?” Trey looked up and said “Well, I could push you through the window above the door.” Fay said “Wait what?” Trey pointed above the door and said “Here, let me boost you through.” Fay tried to say “but...but” but Trey then picked her up and groaned as he said “Holy crap you're fat now, oh god.” He still managed to boost her up to the window and she dove.....getting stuck in between.

Fay wiggled her hips and tried to push her away out but she was legitimately stuck in the window. Fay shouted “Trey, help! I'm stuck!” Trey shook his head and said “What? No way.” Fay said “Get me out of here” Trey then started giggling as her surveyed the situation. Fay's gut had gotten wedged in the window halfway into the the next room. Her ass was up in the air and she was trying to pull herself out. Trey said “Hahaha wow, you got so fat you don't fit in the window.” Fay said “Ha...ha...ha, pull me out.” Trey then put her hands on her hips and tried to pull her out but to no avail. Trey said “Come on Fay, move your fat ass.” Fay then said “Shut up Trey, keep pulling.” Trey continued to pull but she wouldn't budge. He said “I was on the track team, not the football team. You're gonna need Hank for this.” Fay said “If he comes anywhere close to me I'm gonna fart directly into his nostrils. Trey then pulled and squeezed but then fell face first into Fay's butt. He then put his hands on it and tried to pull her out. He said “Damn Fay, your gut is jiggly as all hell but your butt is still firm.” He stopped trying to pull her out and patted her on the bum. He said “You still got a runner's butt.” Fay said “Stop groping me and keep pulling.” Trey said “I'm gonna have fun with this.” Trey then grabbed Fay's butt and started shaking it around. Fay said “Trey will you...ugh....come on....” Trey then leaned in and kissed Fay's left butt cheek and said “Damn Fay, look at this booty” before he kissed the other cheek. Fay continued to struggle and he lifted up the back of her dress to expose her pink lace underwear. Fay shouted “Trey!!!” Trey then smacked her ass and said “Runner's butt, big big butt!” and smacked it again. Fay's cries out turned from stressed to aroused “Trey! Trey....Trey...ugh....mmmmm....mmmmm Trey”. Trey then pressed his face against it and kissed both cheeks before kissing her pussy lips causing her to once again jolt. “Trey! Oh my god...” Trey then held her ass in place and continued to kiss her lips again and again “Fay your pussy is still amazing” and he gently patted it. He then started rubbing it and he instantly felt her juices flow, she was getting wet.

Fay moaned “Trey.....mmmmmmmmmm Trey......” As he continued to rub her pussy. Fay began to sweat and Trey slowly slid her panties down to expose her bare bum. It wasn't overly round but it definitely still had some firmness to it as he slid his tongue in her pussy. Fay moaned loud and Trey began to eat out his fat ex-girlfriend. His dick got hard as he said “I love your fat pussy, baby. Your nice, shaved, sexy pussy.” Fay stopped trying to struggle and was now spreading her thick thighs to allow Trey better access. As he licked up and down she began to sweat even more. Trey couldn't see it but Fay's face as red as she moaned and dug her nails into the door. When Trey was finished he put her panties back in place and pulled her dress back down. Trey said “Ok, let me pull you out of....” before he could say anything, the sweat that Fay secreted was just enough for her to slide down the window into the boiler room. Trey then said “Fay, you okay?” After a moment Fay said “Yes....let me open...the door.” Trey heard the door unlock and as it opened, Fay was breathing heavy and had a familiar look in her eyes. She wanted to fuck him NOW.


Fay wrapped her arms around Trey's neck and kissed him deeply. Trey then rubbed her belly and said “You turned on, baboi?” Fay nodded her head and said “I'm your baboi.” Trey smacked her ass and said “Mmmm, that's my fat piggy goddess.” Trey then said “I loved how you got stuck baby.” Fay said “Yeah, you like a piggy getting stuck?” Trey then said “I know where you can get stuck in here.” Fay said “Where?” Trey said “Here” Trey led her through the room and saw an old style tool cabinet. She said “There's no way I could fit.....ohhhhh, I see what you mean.” Trey said “Get in there baboi.” Fay then crouched down and squeezed herself into the bottom cabinet door, wedging her boobs and top of her belly in. Trey then resumed playing with her butt and vagina until once again she was dripping wet. This time he lifted up her dress and slid her panties completely off. He then unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled down his pants. Fay said from inside the cabinet “What are you doing?” Trey said “I'm going to fuck this fat piggy.”

Trey then angled himself and slid his hard, 7 inch cock into his formerly thin ex-girlfriend. Fay moaned loud as Trey himself moaned. They haven't had sex in 10 years and it felt just as great as it did then for both of them. Trey slowly slid it in as Fay said “Ah, easy...easy...mmmmm” Trey couldn't help himself and said “mmmm yeah, fucking my fat ex girlfriend....fucking Fay. More like FAT FAY. That's what you are, Fat Fay....such a baboi. A big FAT pig...look at you...mmmmm” Fay moaned and bent over as much as she could as he slid in and out of here. She said “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck your pig, fuck your baboi.” Trey said “Look at this big fat PIG! Getting so fat over the years....look at the size of you. You've got such a runner's butt but an even fatter RUNNER'S GUT! Look at your gut, you're so fat baby. More like you're so fat, baboi.” Trey was rock solid and pulsating as Fay was getting ready to cum. It had been a long time since she had sex let alone enjoyed it. She was not used to being called piggy or fatty but since it was Trey and he loved it, she was turned on by him being aroused. Trey himself was sweating now and he was reaching his limit as well. “I'm gonna cum Fay, I'm gunna cum inside you. I'm...I'm fucking my fat ex-girlfriend. I'M FUCKING MY FAT EX-GIRLFRIEND! I'M FUCKING MY FAT EX-GIRLFRIEND....I'M FUCKING BIG...FAT...FAYYYYYYY” and the final mention of her name caused Trey to shoot his load deep inside Fay as she came herself. They both calmed down as Trey collapsed to the floor breathing heavy.

Fay slid down out of the cabinet and laid down on top of Trey. Trey said “Thank god I'm not wearing a white shirt.” Fay said “Thank god I'm not wearing a white dress.” Trey hugged Fay close and said “Babe?” Fay said “Yes?” Trey said “I missed you.” Fay said “I missed you too. I wish we didn't have to go home.” Trey said “Sad part is I have to go back to the reunion. They're going to re-create the Prom King and Queen, and I was the King. They're probably waiting for me.” Fay said “We should go back then.” Trey said “Yeah.” Both of them got to their feet and put their clothes back on. They dusted each other off and cleaned up the best that they could. Fay hugged Trey close and Trey patted her belly gently “Thanks for getting fat.” Fay laughed and said “I never thought you'd love it.” Trey said “You make it hot.” Fay asked “Is your wife fat?” Trey shook his head and said “No, this was a new experience for me. Thank you Fay.” Fay said “I need to find guys who like fat women.” Trey said “I would definitely recommend that.” Fay said “Do you think we'll get together again?” As they walked out of the boiler room, Trey re-locked the door and shut it behind them. He then said “Well, we'll have the 20 year reunion in about ten years. We can hook up then.” Fay giggled and said “Can you imagine that?” Trey “'re gonna be HUGE!”


Friday, March 24, 2023

Island Girl

                                                      CHAPTER 1

It was September 6, 1942. The New York Yankees held an 8 game lead over the Boston Red Sox with 18 games left for the American League pennant while the Brooklyn Dodgers had a slim two game lead over the St. Louis Cardinals in the National League. A month from now the National Hockey League would begin their 1942-43 season with the Toronto Maple Leafs as the Stanley Cup Champions. Stanford University was the defending NCAA Basketball Champion while the Minnesota Golden Gophers would be defending their NCAA Football title. The 1942 NFL season would begin in three weeks with the Chicago Bears looking to defend their crown. How Green Was My Valley took home Best Picture honors back in February while Mrs. Miniver was in strong consideration for Best Picture this year. Jingle, Jangle, Jingle by Kay Kyser was the number 1 hit on the radio and World War 2 in full effect. I was stationed on the USS South Dakota serving out my time in the US Navy.

I graduated from St John's University and the first thing I did after I graduated was enlist in the Navy. How I ended up on the South Dakota is anyone's guess but here's 22 year old me on one of the most important warships in the South Pacific. The ship's XO was an asshole and more often than not he'd threaten to Court Martial me for everything. Well, its poetic justice that he had to deal with the brunt of what happened on that fateful afternoon. I remember it being a Sunday and just getting done with morning mass when we hit some serious chop in the water. The boat was rocking back and forth so much you could bounce from one side of the large ship to the other in eight seconds flat! I remember one of my fellow Ensigns saying “Holy mackeral what a carnival ride!” Then all hell broke loose as the mast started to really teeter. Up ahead was some great coral reef and it looked like the barnacle brained XO was steering right into it!

I was tasked to make sure the life boats were in place in case the worst happened so I raced over to them. The first two were secured but sure enough, the third wasn't in place properly and any sudden movement could snap it into the ocean. I didn't hear it exactly, but the impact of the great ship hitting the reef caused the life boat to drop into the ocean with me hanging on to the rope. I don't remember much but what I assumed happened was I went with the rope and knocked myself out on the impact. I must have drifted off into the sea while the rest of the crew struggled to get out of the reef, not knowing I was gone.

When I awoke I was being dragged out of the lifeboat on a beach of some sort. I could see hear the birds squawking and the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach. I must have had a concussion because I couldn't even see who was dragging me away. Even though my head was foggy I still wondered just where the hell was I. We were off the coast of Tonga two hours before we hit the reef so I figured I must be on one of their islands. Tonga declared war on Japan so they were on our side, but how would I get back to the South Dakota? Finally I was let go of and I landed on the sand. My eyes began to clear but to my utter shock, these weren't Tongan citizens, these were some kind of island natives holding spears at me! I was in my Navy uniform but it didn't look like they had any contact with an outside world judging by their primitive weapons and loincloths. They looked more like African tribal warriors instead of Samoan, Tongan or even Polynesian natives. Obviously communicating was going to be an issue once I started hearing them talk amongst themselves. Not that I knew a lick of Tongan, but if I was on one of the known islands there might have been someone to recognize my US Naval attire. I started to wonder if I had drifted all the way to somewhere off the coast of Africa but that would have been impossible in such a short amount of time on a damn rowboat.

Just when it looked like one of the tribal warriors was about to gut me with a spear, I heard a female voice. An older looking villager stood in front of them and it sounded like she was telling them to back off. She was wearing a loincloth like everyone else but had no top. The only time I had seen a lady naked apart from accidentally walking into the bathroom while my mother was taking a bath was in one of my older brother's National Geographic magazines. Not that this villager was particularly attractive to me, but seeing a woman topless would have made me a legend in high school. She had wrinkles and partily graying hair. If I had to guess based upon some of my teachers I had, she looked to be in her 40's. Definitely was older than my mother but not by much. She started speaking to the others and they seemed to back down except for one man. He was in great shape and looked to be 6 foot 1 and 220 pounds. He could be a running back for the Ohio State Buckeyes or a famous wrestler. He looked taller than wrestling legend Man Mountain Dean!

Whatever the lady villager said upset this big fella because he started shouting and pointing at me. All of a sudden a booming voice from behind silenced the big guy. Clearly this had to be the village elder. He wasn't as tell as Dean here but he definitely was much wider. He had a huge gut hanging over his loincloth and a shaved head. He had a full beard and he had white war paint on his face. He pointed his spear at Dean and said something to get him to back off. The Elder walked over to me and pointed his spear at my chest and said something to the others. I slowly got to my feet and noticed that I was taller than the Elder although Dean still definitely had a height advantage. I sized up the other warriors and they all looked impressive but not as buff as Dean. I had spent most of high school and college playing football and staying in shape at my uncle's boxing gym so I knew how to handle myself in a fistfight. A spearfight would be an entirely different story but I hoped it didn't come to that. I looked around at the open ocean in front of me and decided running for it would be a mistake. I was better off doing what I was told for now, as long as they didn't poke me with their stinkin spears.

The Elder said something else and it looked like everyone was following him somewhere. I stood still until Dean nudged me with the back end of the spear. I walked along with them along a path of trees, bushes and the sound of birds high top those trees. I saw plenty of coconuts and bananas in the trees and gathered that if the villagers were living off any animals and fruit provided, that would explain their carefully maintained figures. But how did the Elder get so fat? I didn't have time to think about it because after a short walk we made it to the village itself. What I saw made my jaw drop.

                                                      CHAPTER 2

I was expecting something out of the jungles of South America like out of my brother's magazine but instead the villagers had amassed quite a series of huts and farmland. A huge waterfall flowed in the distance and the farms were filled with rows of corn, carrots and other assorted vegetables. I didn't see any domestic pets so it didn't look like there was any meat to be had. Everyone in the village stood and looked in awe of the entourage that was approaching. Apparently a white person was scarce in them thar hills. As I made my way through the village the Elder stopped in what looked to be a giant cage when I was pushed into it by Dean from behind. As the cage dropped everyone came over to look at me. Now I knew exactly how the animals at the zoo felt. I couldn't understand a thing they were saying as they pointed, threw things at me and talked to each other. I didn't want to fight anyone as this was their native land, but if they had any intention of eating me like cannibals then I'd at least go down fighting. After a while they tried to get into the cage as the Elder finally came over to shoo them away. As I watched the crowd dissipate I saw Dean with two others holding spears. Dean made a noise and all of a sudden the other two threw the spears at me. I dodged one of them as the other struck the cage and richoceted backwards. Instead of get mad I picked the spear up calmly. The Elder took a step back and I simply nodded before starting to twirl it like my old carbine rifle during ROTC. After I was done, The Elder laughed and pointed as Dean looked to be visibly angry. He shouted and pointed at the cage as the two goons looked to be coming in. It looked like the Elder tried to stop them but Dean insisted. I guess it was go time.

I rolled up my sleeves and prepared to duke it out when the Elder screamed something to stop the goons. He pointed at my left forearm and at first I thought a huge spider had crawled up there. Instead he was looking at my naval tattoo I got when I first was assigned the South Dakota. The Elder showed one of his tribal tattoos on his pelvic region and the two goons kneeled down. Dean looked mad but he too kneeled down. If I had to guess, they thought I too was a tribal chief. The Elder opened the cage and looked to be trying to communicate but didn't know a word of English and I had no idea what the hell he was saying. I knew sign language since my brother was deaf but I doubt they did. Then again, it didn't hurt to try. Sure enough, it didn't look like he understood so I looked around for something to write with. Unfortunately there were no pencils to be found but they had to have ink of some sort in order for the chief to have his tattoos. The Elder then brought me past a few of the huts to a cave just under the waterfall. Inside the walls were lined with hieroglyphics as far as the eye could see. This must have been the village history.

For the next two hours I immersed myself in the village culture presented in these carvings. I felt like Dr. Livingstone from that movie Stanley and Livingstone that came out a few years ago when I was still at St. John's. They had been there thousands of years and the secret of the Elder's obesity was a mythical well deep inside the waterfall that would dispel a liquid to cause it. The Elder's children would be the heir to the throne and the first born would be the new tribal Elder, whether the queen or king of the island depended on the sex of the first born. I wanted to read on about the process but I was dragged out of there. The Elder led me through the village to a small patch of unoccupied land near one of the huts toward the beach. Some of the villagers gathered wood and tree branches. The Elder used his hands to basically say if you could build your own hut, you'd be accepted in the village. Thank goodness my father enlisted me in boy scouts when I was young and my grandfather was a handyman. The primitive chisels were tough but I was able to cobble together my own hut within a few hours. While I was working I removed my shirt and I heard some of the lady villagers catcalls....or what I think were catcalls. While I was digging my own latrine, that's when I saw her for the first time. The Elder had the largest hut which had multiple doors and out in front of it was a girl that looked to be my age. She was eyeballing me and she had much larger breasts than any other woman I saw and her belly wasn't as big as her father's but it was definitely hanging over her loincloth. She smiled at me and I smiled back before I saw her lick her lips. She turned and went inside the Elder's hut and I thought to myself that she must be the princess of the Island.

I started getting hungry after I had finished building the hut with a little bit of help from the villagers. They kept kneeling before me and I did what I could to get them to stop, but they didn't understand. I called one of them over who kind of looked like Steve Clemente from the movie King Kong and made the motion of eating. Steve looked quizzically at first then understood what I meant. He then led me through the village to what looked to be a marketplace near the waterfall. Various vegetables and fruit were for anyone that wanted them and I picked out some bananas and carrots. I sat down next to Steve and he started talking in his native language and I didn't have a clue what he was saying, but I nodded along anyway. Suddenly a path opened up and the village princess walked toward me. Other villagers kneeled down and so did Steve. I figured I should be respectful and kneeled as well. The Princess tapped my shoulder and motioned to get on my feet. As I stood I realized I was a bit taller than her. She looked to be 5 foot 6 and at least 200 pounds. Unless she was drinking from the same well her father had, it was a mystery how she was bigger than other villagers. I knew that I needed to unlock the mystery at some point.

                                                         CHAPTER 3

The sun began to set as I tried to eat what I could to keep me from dying of exhaustion and starvation. Not that it was particularly hot out, but I had been shipwrecked and forced to build my own hut. The village Princess had joined me, eating faster than I was and kept looking me up and down. She was spilling out of her loin cloth in all angles, including her rather round rear-end. Her being topless added to the sexual appeal and I couldn't help but look her up and down as well. She noticed it too and started giving me the flirty eyes I had only seen on ballroom dance floors when I was on shore leave. I had a girlfriend back home but I had no idea if she even considered me her boyfriend considering I've been at sea for months now. Still, if I was stranded here, making friends with the village princess wouldn't be a bad thing to do. I had to communicate somehow so I tried the best I could to make motions with my hands. These people had never heard of sign language so that wasn't going to get me anywhere. Princess then led me by the hand through the back of the village toward the giant waterfall. The view of it was beautiful and a river flowed into a canal where people appeared to be swimming in it. I didn't know fresh water could flow on an island surrounded by salt water but here we were. Princess then disrobed her loincloth and jumped into the water completely naked.

I wasn't used to skinny dipping but if this was the village custom, I may as well. I took my pants, boots, socks and underwear off before diving into the water. We swam together and she laughed as she paddled around. Her impressive curves kept her afloat while unfortunately I struggled to not sink like a rock. Still, the water wasn't very deep and it was fun to swim around in fresh water for a change. After what felt like a half hour the sun was almost set and I had trouble seeing where I was swimming. I could see torches being lit throughout the village that helped a little bit but the new moon was making it very difficult to see. I then looked around to swim to shore but bumped into the Princess. Worse, it was my front region bumping into her rear end. She gasped and turned around as I still couldn't see very well. She grabbed my arm and led me ashore and I fell into the grass. Princess giggled as I tried to drip dry since there were no towels present. She was very clearly looking at my naked front region and like I deduced earlier, white people were scarce around these parts. Eventually I found my clothes and went to put my underwear back on when her hand grabbed mine to stop me. She herself had slipped back on her loincloth but she shook her head at my attempt to put my clothes on. Instead, she guided me back to the village. When we got there the village looked at us and she started giving orders to people. A few moments later they had brought me my own loincloth to wear. All of a sudden I heard Dean's booming voice and it sounded like he was complaining about it. I guess that must have been for villagers only and I was clearly an outsider. Luckily the Princess was persistent and Dean backed off. I put the rest of my Naval outfit with my shirt and slipped the loincloth on. It was a bit too small for me but I wasn't going to complain, I could be tortured and eaten by these people and instead they were accepting me as one of their own. Dean didn't seem too happy about it but he bowed to the Elder, so I figured he wouldn't be able to do much to me. Thankfully Steve and one of Princess' friends, or maybe it was Steve's mate, helped me gather leaves to sleep on for the night.

When I laid my head down I thought about how I began the day a United States naval officer with a family and girlfriend back home and now I'm a native to an island in the Pacific Ocean. I doubt anyone would send a rescue ship to look for me so I'm going to have to make the best of this. I managed to fall asleep and had a dream I was making love to Princess. My hands on her soft body, her moaning in my ear. I know God would judge me for having such impure thoughts but it was my dream, not His. As I awoke the next day, I looked around to see some ants that had me running out of my hut trying to brush them off me. Some kids nearby laughed and ran off as Steve shouted at them. I may not understand their language but I know what scolding unruly children looks like. All of a sudden I heard the unmistakable sound of a gong being hammered. Uh oh, are they summoning King Kong?

Princess ran up to me and led me by the hand to the center of the village where everyone was bowing down. I guess this is their idea of Sunday mass even thought it was a Monday...I think. Anyway I bowed down to pray with everyone but when my eyes looked up, all I could see was Princess' exposed behind. I don't know if she forgot to adjust herself or what but all I knew is I had a bird's eye view of the grand canyon. Again, apart from grainy magazines, I had never seen a woman's ass up close like that before. I had only got to fondle Edna's breasts in the back of my 1938 Ford Tudor my parents got me for graduating high school. I had never seen Edna naked before but here was Princess bent over in front of me. Her breasts hanging down to the ground and her rear-end up in the air. When she pressed her face to the ground and her derriere went up even further, her vagina lips were now exposed. I was starting to get hard so I had to thrust my pelvis to the ground to make sure no one else could see. After a few minutes everyone started to get up and start their day but I stayed down until my erection went away. Steve pointed at me and laughed as both Princess and Elder told me to get up. When it went away I got to my feet as Princess giggled and Elder just shook his head. Apparently breakfast was served and I had the finest banana and cucumber in recorded history. My stomach was used to the slop they served on the South Dakota so I was most likely going to be hungry all day but this would be better in the long run.

Before I could attempt to ask Princess to swim with me, Dean shouted something and some of the male villagers came over with him. They looked like they were doing some sort of primitive exercise. I tapped Steve on the shoulder and pointed at them to pretty much ask what's going on. Steve tried to explain in his native language before leading me to the cave behind the waterfall. Apparently this was their version of Funk & Wagnalls as Steve showed me a specific hieroglyphic. It took about 20 minutes to decipher on my own with Steve trying to help by explaining in his native language but on the Elder's oldest child's 21st birthday, they are to choose a mate. Apparently Princess was turning 21 the following day and she was going to choose her life mate. I couldn't understand most of what Steve was trying to tell me but I pretty much figured out that Dean thought it was going to be him. It would make the most sense. Apparently someone could challenge him but none of the other villagers really looked like they would or could. I had the best day as I could but I started to get lonely. Sure it was fun playing with the kids, having lunch with Steve and his mate and seeing Princess when I could, but I missed my home life. I get homesick on the South Dakota but the premise was I'd be going home eventually. Now I have no idea how or if I'd ever go home. I didn't get to see Princess as according to the hieroglyphics, she had to practice a ritual dance to perform for all the suitors so she was busy all day. I didn't even get to swim with her in the moonlight like the night before. Little did I know that the next day would be one of the most whirlwind days of my entire life.

                                                    CHAPTER 4

I didn't wake up on my own that fateful day, no. My hut was practically kicked over by Steve because it was Princess' birthday celebration. Rather than the normal breakfast routine, an elaborate feast was at hand. I didn't think they cooked meat but there were various cooked birds on display. My guess was they usually left the animals alone unless it was a special occasion. We still had the usual prayer to the Elder but unfortunately I didn't get to look at Princess' beautiful backside this morning. The day was pretty fun though, with gifts of some clothing, flower arrangements and other assorted knick knacks presented to Princess. I saw Dean pretty much salivating over her and, quite literally, the writing was on the wall that he was going to be the chosen one. I was debating whether to swim back to California or take my chances with the row boat but something told me to stick around. I would laugh very loud if she ended up choosing another one of the villagers just for the Groucho Marx comedy in itself. The blessing and the curse about not being able to communicate with the villagers is that I couldn't simply tell them how funny it would be if Dean wasn't chosen because it most likely would get me killed.

I still got to swim under the waterfall and help myself to some of the greatest vegetables I've ever seen but I was growing increasingly frustrated. I was from Philadelphia. I grew up with the Athletics and the Phillies, the big city, the food, the crowded streets. Friday nights at the pool hall, St. John's University and anything else that came to mind. As much of a utopia this was, it would get very boring very quickly. The homesickness started to get to me as I spent most of the day wandering the beach and debating whether or not to simply leave. The row boat was still intact and still there so it wasn't like I was trapped. Not to mention we weren't THAT far off the coast of Tonga when we hit the reef so I couldn't have drifted too far. If I could row with enough food and fresh water in the boat, I might make it somewhere I could get help. As the sun was setting, the Elder himself found me on the beach and waived me over. It was time for the ceremony.

The drums and gong could be heard for miles as some of the ladies of the village danced in front of the Elder's villa as a prelude to the main event. Somehow my grandfather brought me to Sequicentennial Stadium to see Gene Tunney fight Jack Dempsey when I was six years old so I was used to large crowds. Once the ladies were done everyone cleared a path in front of the stage where all the male villagers deemed worthy stood including Dean. I stood off to the side and the Elder took the stage. I couldn't understand what he was saying but I figured he was introducing Princess. Sure enough Elder and his wife stepped to the side and out of the villa walked Princess. She was dressed in a gold loin cloth and had her hair up, from where I was standing she looked pretty good to me. The villagers playing music slowed down the tempo as Princess began her seductive dance.

I couldn't help but be in awe as she moved her body, the way she shook her chest, the way she gyrated her hips, the way her bum moved in the loincloth. In my head I was picturing her in one of those nightclubs dancing to a Count Basie tune back in New York but this was for real. When she turned her back and started gyrating her hips again every male villager oohed and awed. I started to hope Dean appreciated all this as I looked over as Steve had a big smile on his face. Surprisingly none of the female villagers were jealous, but then again they probably had no reason to be jealous because none of their mates were in the center with the five standing there as potential chosen ones. When Princess bent over to stretch the loincloth as far as it could stretch I started to get hard again. Thankfully I looked away to calm myself and when I looked back she had already turned back around. Then she made a motion with her hand and all the villagers started to kneel down. I remember this from the hieroglyphics that now she was going to choose her mate.

I kneeled down too and she stepped off the platform into the crowd. She started walking toward me and past the potential mates one by one until only Dean was left directly in front of me. He looked up and she slowly pointed her finger.....past his shoulder to me. The music stopped and the entire village turned and looked at me. At first I thought she was just pointing at his shoulder but then she walked past him and stood directly in front of me before she said something I couldn't translate. Dean shouted something and she shot a glare at him before saying something to him. The Elder walked over and looked to be trying to talk her out of it but she kept pointing at me. Finally the Elder shrugged and told me to rise. I rose to my feet and I assumed he said I was the chosen one. Steve was the first to run over and congratulate me as the other villagers came over to also give their blessings with Dean standing there in disbelief. I couldn't believe it, I was the chosen one? Why the hell would she choose me? An hour earlier the Elder had to pull me off the beach I was ready to leave and now I'm his heir? All these questions swirled in my head when all of a sudden Dean burst through the crowd. He shoved Steve to the ground and brushed past the Elder before shoving me as hard backwards while shouting something at me. He shoved me again and I got right in his face before shouting “You want to fight? You want to fight?” Clearly he couldn't understand the language but he could definitely recognize that I was not going to back down. Finally the Elder and some of the villagers were able to separate us. Then I remembered the hieroglyphics that a challenger CAN challenge the chosen one to a battle. I just never figured that it would be ME as the chosen one. Dean stormed off toward the cage and tossed his ceremonial garb to the ground. I had heard of a wrestling match inside chicken wire down in Atlanta but to have a fistfight in one didn't sound pleasant. As the sun had completely set, torches were lit throughout the village and were placed around the cage. Apparently Princess dancing and choosing her mate wasn't the main event, me fighting Dean was.

What I didn't tell anyone....or more so couldn't tell anyone that I had won silver gloves in the Navy boxing tournament before we deployed to the South Pacific. The only reason I didn't win gold was because I broke my right hand in the semi-final win and had to forfeit the finals due to the injury. The worst part about it was the winner got his picture taken with Gene Tunney himself when Tunney came to conduct some exercise instructions. Well I wish Gene had saw me in action because this fight was no challenge. Dean was a BIG guy, but clearly he hadn't had many brawls on the island due to his sheer strength and intimidation factor. As soon as I got in the cage I got in my fighter's stance and started shuffling. Dean stormed toward me like a street fighter and I tagged him with a left jab before sidestepping. I tagged him with another left jab and kept sidestepping before I caught him flush with a right cross. Down he went and I looked over to the Elder who was staring in disbelief. The funny thing was I couldn't understand what the crowd was saying but it looked like they were cheering for me! He lunged toward me and I knew enough greco roman wrestling to get him in a front headlock and spin around. He was so strong he got to his feet with me on his back so I slid off, waited for him to turn around then WHAM, I was able to catch him with a thunderous right uppercut that dropped him again. All of a sudden a spear was thrown into the cage. Steve was telling me to use it and I started to realize this was a fight to the death. I looked over at the Elder and shook my head before kicking the spear away. Dean must have had a concussion at this point because he staggered toward me only to eat a right hook to the short ribs and a left cross to drop him a third time. I looked around and put my hands up to signify he was done. I didn't want to hurt Dean anymore than I had to and another spear was thrown only this one was picked up by Dean. Bracing for the worst, I readied myself for the big lunge......but it didn't come. Dean looked at me, nodded his head, dropped the spear and kneeled down to signify defeat. I stuck my hand out, he took it and we shook hands. He wiped the blood out of his mouth and (I think) declared me the winner. Princess rushed into the cage and hugged Dean close. Once again I don't have a clue what they were saying but it looked like he was giving her his blessing and she was giving him a sign of respect. Princess grabbed my hand and then I realized the next portion of the hieroglyphics was the sacred fountain. It was time for her to get obese.

                                               CHAPTER 5

As she led me by the hand it all came back to me. The chosen one is taken to a special fountain where the first born drinks from. The powerful liquid makes the recipient ten times more fertile depending on the sex. As we walked over to the waterfall I stopped and she tugged on my arm. I said out loud “Are you sure this is what you want?” which was useless since she didn't speak English. She kept tugging me to come with her and I just shook my head and walked with her. Never in my life did I ever imagine marrying a woman that big before let alone a native girl. The boys back home would have ran me out of town for this, but thankfully I was on the other side of the world. Who knows, maybe it would be fun? As we walked around the waterfall she kept looking at me with excitement on her face. I guess when its your destiny and family history to do something like this, its not very terrifying.

Once we reached the small cave behind the waterfall there were two guards there. Made sense to protect the family secrets from people unworthy. Princess said something to the guards who stood aside and let us through. The cave sparkled and shined in the moonlight and when we reached the end I saw the fountain. Only it wasn't a fountain, it was a small waterfall in itself. I walked toward it and instead of the normally blue water, it looked kind of lavender. I kneeled down to touch it but Princess quickly slapped my hand away. If she was trying to warn me if it was for her only, it made sense. In the middle of the waterfall was a stone platform. She walked toward the platform and I walked behind her, thankfully there was enough room for the both of us. She pointed at a nearby lever and I figured out this would divert the flow directly over her. I reached out and grabbed the lever but didn't pull it yet. I looked at her beautiful eyes and she sighed. Then she nodded her head and opened her mouth. I pulled the we go.

A small stone column appeared from the wall and sort of a circular birdbath shape and the liquid flowed down it toward Princess' mouth. She grabbed my hand and put it on her side. She had what they call “love handles” and it was quite soft. I squeezed it as she closed her eyes and began to drink. Almost instantly I could feel a warm sensation in my right hand as her body appeared to be warming itself. I put my other hand on her other love handle as she began to moan. Then I could feel it.....I could feel her body expanding. Whatever she was drinking was making her fat! I put my hands on her belly and felt it expand in my hands. Her hips started to curve outward and the back of her gold loincloth was stretching against her bulging bum. I moved my hands up to her breasts that were now jutting further and further down. I started to get hard feeling my woman expand in my arms and I started to realize that just by touching her, I was getting a small effect of the liquid's power through osmosis as it was making me very aroused.

As she gulped and gulped her body continued to slowly expand. Her loincloth was getting very tight in the back and my hands explored her entire body. My hands squeezed her plumping arms, her growing breasts, her bulging belly & love handles, her heavenly hips, her widening rear-end, her thick thighs and her rapidly increasing vagina mound. I kissed the back and sides of her neck as her own fingers found her vagina, playing with it and moaning through gulps. Finally she pulled back and I stopped for second to let her breathe. She surveyed just how fat she had gotten and gasped. She rubbed her swollen body and moaned with pleasure as she looked at how round her belly, breasts and her behind had gotten. She must have put on 40-50 pounds in the three minutes we were in here. After surveying her body she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her skin looked like it was glowing as she kissed me deeply on the lips. I closed my eyes and kissed hers back before my hands started exploring her newly fat body. Her breasts, her gut, her thighs, finally I couldn't take it anymore and started talking. “You got so fat, baby. Your whole body is jiggling. You look so beautiful, sweetheart.” The osmosis was working as in that moment I didn't want her to stop getting fatter and I wanted to...pardon my French....”fuck this fat broad” all night. I wanted her to keep drinking the liquid. I wanted her to balloon up to pounds. I wanted her fatter than Hattie McDaniel in Gone With The Wind. I wanted to lose myself in her obese body and make love to her.

She sensed my arousal and after kissing me deep she took me by the hand to head out of the cave. She was moving slower now because she was much heavier than when she came in, but watching her body jiggle was keeping me aroused. Her behind was jiggling with every step and her belly swayed from side to side. When we emerged from the cave, nearly the whole village was waiting for us when we got out. A loud cheer went up as everyone came over to admire Princess and her newfound obesity. Her bulghing love handles were pinched, her fat face was jiggled, people lifted up her loincloth and patted her on the bum, her breasts were groped and her arms were wobbled. Normally I wouldn't be pleased if my woman was getting groped by other people but I had to remember that this was a different culture. If anything they were admiring her for keeping the village traditions. The Elder said something to her and she nodded her head before he patted my shoulder. I guess this was his way of giving me his blessing. Dean also shook my hand and pointed at her and I figured this was his way of saying “go get her big guy.” I planned to get her, that's for sure.

As we waded through the crowd, Steve also gave me his blessing and pointed toward the villa. Once we entered it, Princess closed it as best she could and led me to her private sleeping area. I guess I wouldn't be needing my meager hut if I was going to mate with my big, fat, gorgeous wife. She turned and looked at me and I knew what had to be done, it was showtime.

                                                         CHAPTER 6

As Princess shut the shutters on her “room” I could barely keep my hands off her delicious, curvy body. My hands found her breasts and my lips found the back of her neck. She let out a soft moan as her hands found mine. She tilted her head and we kissed deeply. She then tried to pull her loincloth off but it had gotten too tight on her. I had to help slip it off and admired her round derriere and hips once she stood naked in front of me. I then slid my own loincloth off so we were both in our birthday suits. Her hand reached down and started stroking my erect penis as I started moaning. She put her other hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for another deep long kiss. My hands found her belly and I said to her “Fat.” She looked at me and I patted her belly and said again “Fat.” She then said “Fat.” I nodded my head and patted again. I said “I'm” and she sounded out “I'm”. I then said “I'm....fat...” and she said in such a sweet, angelic voice “I'm fat.” I kissed her deeply and jiggled her soft belly which caused her to giggle a little. She said “I'm fat.” and after we kissed again. I turned her to the side.

I put my hand on her rear-end and said “Big.” She said “Big.” I patted her rear and said “Butt.” She said “Butt.” I patted it again and said “Big butt.” She looked over her shoulder at her rump and said “Big butt.” Once again I pulled her in for a kiss and my erection was throbbing hearing her say those words. I then turned her around and started dancing with her. I put my hands around her back and had her put her arms around my neck. I started humming I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart by Duke Ellington and had her hips rock back and forth. She smiled and went along with it. I figured if she was going to have her fun, so would I. I slipped my hand down to her generous behind and continued humming the song as we danced our “wedding song”. Finally she reached up and kissed me deep and I stopped humming. My hands found her breasts but she kneeled down and started stroking my erection. She put it all the way in her mouth and started giving me oral pleasure. I moaned as this went on for a good minute and a half. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and gently shoved her down on her “bed”. I started kissing the sides of her neck and spread her legs a little bit. Her thighs wobbled as I stroked both of them before sinking my teeth into the side of her neck. She moaned loud and she dug her nails into my back. At long last my erection found her wet, awaiting vagina and her moans got even louder. It was the greatest feeling I ever felt and I moaned loud myself as I slid myself further inside Princess. I looked down and said “Fuck” and she said “Fuck.” I then said “Me” and she said “Me.” “Fuck me” “Fuck me!” I nodded and she started saying “Fuck me....fuckkkkkk meeee....fu....fuck me”. She could barely get the words out as I continued to thrust inside her.

She then pushed me down and climbed on top of me. Her 250 pound (at least) body mounted me and started riding me, moaning loud enough for the whole village to hear. My hands were on her massive ass and her huge gut was pressing against my rock hard abs. It was a lot of pressure on me but it was worth it. Never in a million years could I imagine having sex with a fat girl but here we are. I guess I had to try it myself to see if I liked it, and I did. As I continued to thrust inside Princess, she continued “Fuck me....fuck me...fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me” She arched her back and I knew she was ready to have an orgasm. I was ready to ejaculate and I too arched my back. A few more seconds we both arched and released our secretions all over each other before she collapsed to the side of me, breathing heavy. I rubbed her soft back rolls and she nudged her head onto my chest. I kissed her forehead softly and we both calmed down in each other's arms. We were covered in each other's secretions and I knew we would have to hit the waterfall in the morning. Finally she stretched and sat up. She said “Ooooh” and rubbed her wobbling gut. She definitely wasn't used to being this fat yet. Well, we had our whole lives to enjoy it. I wondered if anyone had ever gone BACK to the secret cave since it was implied it was a one time thing. If I had my way she would be a very fat woman in no time. Between the fighting and the sex, it had been an adrenaline rush all day but once we both ejaculated, I started getting tired.

Princess noticed I was starting to get sleepy so she got up and started gathering leaves for me to sleep on next to her. I got up and unlike my hut, this one had no ants and she even had a few blankets. I don't know how these got made but I was in no position to ask questions. Whatever orgasm the both of us had took a lot of energy out of us and she was yawning as she was putting our “bed” together. As she laid down with me I held her close and kissed her forehead again. She stroked my cheek and I stroked hers. I slid my hand down and patted her belly one last time which made her giggle and say “I'm fat.” I kissed her deeply and she nuzzled her head into my chest again. As I closed my eyes I thought about what she said. She was right, she was sooo fat now. This was only the start, she was going to get much fatter. I'm going to have a huge, fat wife. Her breasts were going to be pendulums, her belly was going to hang down to her knees, her rear end was going to be too fat for loincloths, her thighs were going to be enormous. All these thoughts circled in my head as I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of my soon to be obese goddess.

                                                CHAPTER 7

As I woke up the next day I noticed that Princess was already up and stretching. She was still the same size as she was when we went to bed so whatever she drank wasn't just for one night. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear that she was going to get very fat. She didn't understand me but nodded her head anyway. I kissed her deeply and slipped my loincloth on. She definitely was going to need either a new one or just be naked because when I'm done with her, she's going to be too fat for the gold one. Just as I was about to lead her by the hand back to the cave, the “drapes” were thrown open. It was Steve and he started screaming something as Princess screamed and tried to cover her body since she hadn't put her cloth back on yet. Steve pretty much ignored her and was yelling at or to me, I couldn't tell. Either way I had to follow him to see what was going on. I rushed out of the villa and everyone was headed toward the beach. I ran down and followed the crowd until we got to the shore. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there.

Standing on the shore was Dean and some of the warriors holding spears to two men in US Naval uniforms standing next to a rowboat. I recognized them both from the South Dakota. It was Ensign Thomas Eliason and Lieutenant Daniel Pearson! Somehow they had found me. I waded through the crowd and said “Tommy! Danny!” Suddenly they snapped their heads and looked at me while shouting “Larry, is that you?” I ran up and hugged the two of them before looking at Dean. I knew I couldn't speak English to them to say it was okay so I had to think of something. Suddenly I remembered my tattoo and asked “Do either one of you have a tattoo like mine?” Tommy shook his head but Danny said “Yeah, I do.” I said “Roll up your sleeve, quick! Trust me.” Daniel rolled up his sleeve to reveal his sailor's tattoo and Elder gasped. He then told everyone to kneel and they did, myself included. Tommy said “Um, what just happened.” I got back up and said “They think I'm a tribal chief because of my tattoo, now they think Lieutenant Pearson is too. Danny said “Isn't that swell, aren't you dressed for combat?” I looked down at my loincloth and said “Yeah, about that. Its a long story. How did you find me?” Danny and Tommy looked at each other and said “Its a long story.” Danny then said “We better get back to the ship before these people eat us.” I said “Wait, the South Dakota is here?” He said “Yeah, its just a quick row.” I said “Don't worry, they won't eat us. They have been very hospitable.” Tommy looked confused and said “They what, they spit on ya?” I said “No...they....” and then it hit me. I turned around and saw the villagers standing there shocked and awed. Two days ago I was an outsider and now I'm their Prince. I then said “Guys, I'll be honest. They've taken me in as one of their own. I don't think I can leave.” Danny then said “What about your family? What about....Edna is it?” I stopped dead in my tracks and it felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks.

In my lust for the Princess, I completely forgot about Edna, my actual gal pal waiting for me back home. I forgot about my parents who were so proud of me not just for graduating from St. John's but also becoming a naval Ensign during the war. Just yesterday before the ceremony I was just about to jump in the boat and leave and now here I am wanting to stay. Princess finally came down and Elder pulled her next to him, I could see it in his eyes that he knew I was leaving. The look of sadness was one I'd never forget. I looked at him and nodded to essentially confirm what he already knew. I could hear Princess talking and Elder trying to console her. I said to the men “I need to say goodbye before I go.” Danny said “Do what you gotta do but I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. These jungl......I cut him off and said “Don't you dare. They're very nice people who took me in. Just don't.” Danny shut up but Tommy said “Uh, do you still have your uniform? I don't think the Captain is going to like you coming aboard dressed like that. I said “Yeah, I better change.” I then started off back toward the village with Princess in hot pursuit. As I got back to the hut I had built, I noticed my uniform was still there packed neatly where I left it. As I slid off my loincloth, Princess came in and grabbed my arm. She was talking in her native language and I knew she couldn't understand me, but I said “I have to go home.” She looked at me confused and I said “Home.” She repeated “Home?” I then kicked aside the leaves and began drawing a house in the dirt. I showed her and said “Home.” She shook her said and said “Home” and pointed in the direction of her villa. I shook my head and she started to cry. She put my hand on her belly and said “I'm fat.” I started tearing up myself because I could tell this was heartbreaking.

I kept telling her words in English that she wouldn't understand but I didn't know what else to say. Then I remembered my wallet and thankfully it was still in my right pocket. I pulled it out and took out a picture I kept of my parents, my brother and me. I pointed at my parents and pointed at the villa before pointing at myself. I was trying to tell her I had my own family to go to and she said “Big butt.” She was trying to get me to stay but I couldn't. I drifted here by accident and I didn't choose to be the chosen one. I didn't want to break her heart but it had to be done, I had a life to go home to. I held her close and she said “Big butt....I'm fat.” I let her go and began getting dressed in my uniform as she sobbed uncontrollably. When I was fully dressed I walked out of the hut and back to the shore with her close behind. When I walked toward Danny and Tommy I could hear Tommy say “That's more like it.” Then she grabbed my arm again and said “Home.” She ran over to Elder and started saying something that definitely irritated him. Dean himself started yelling at her and so did Steve. She ran around saying something to everyone that clearly annoyed them. She came back to me and said “Home” while pointing at the ocean. Danny said “I think she wants to come with us.” Tommy wiped his forehead and said “We don't take stowaways.” The idea did cross my mind but then a terrible one crossed it as well, one that was more realistic.

I knew she wouldn't understand English but I had to be truthful. I shook my head and made a spear motion and pretended to stab her while pointing to the guys. Danny said “Hey wait, did you just imply that we're going to kill her?” I turned to them and said “No, you wouldn't. But I'm about 100 miles from Klan meetings and if I took her home they wouldn't be too happy about it.” Tommy said “Klan?? I thought you were from Philadelphia.” I replied “I am, but rural Pensylvania isn't that far away and they still have Klan meetings out there. I don't want to get her killed by taking her back to the States where she wouldn't be welcome.” Tommy said “You got a point.” I then stood in front of Elder and tried to explain to him using my hands that she couldn't go with me for her own safety. Thankfully he understood and explained it to Princess who started crying into his chest. I turned to Steve and he too looked like he understood what was going on. I shook his hand and gave him a hug goodbye. Then I turned and asked “So how did you guys find me?”

Danny said “Well we would have gotten here sooner but we were stuck on the reef for two whole days. Lieutenant Abrams actually saw you fall overboard and hit your head. He saw the lifeboat drifting and shouted out to you but realized you were out cold. Had the ship not run aground we most likely would have had you back within an hour. Once we got free last night, we looked at a map and realized you weren't headed very far from some uncharted islands. We figured this one was the closest to our position and here we are.” I said “Thanks, let's get out of here.” Tommy said “With pleasure.” Just as we were walking I suddenly realized something important. I said “Wait!” Danny said “What now?” I said “There's one last thing I have to do.” I then remembered the hieroglyphics and walked over to Dean. He seemed to be somber too despite us having it out the evening before. I made fists and told him to do the same. He looked at me confused and I pointed at Princess before putting my fists up again. He looked at her and realized what I was talking about. I pointed at the side of my face and motioned for him to hit me. He looked over at Elder who nodded his head. Dean nodded and then decked me with a right hook. That one hurt like hell and I could definitely feel some blood in my mouth. Danny said “Woah woah woah” and Tommy said “Are you ok?” I waived them off and said “Its okay....its alright...I'm fine....I'll explain in a minute.” I said “Wow, good thing I didn't let you get a hit last night, you would have won.” I staggered to my feet but then remembered I wasn't supposed to. Instead I stayed down and bowed to Dean. He nodded his head and I staggered over to Princess. Dean walked over and I grabbed her arm before placing it in his hand.

I did the best I could to signal that Dean had beaten me for the right to be her mate. I then shook Dean's hand and bowed my head. I knew he wouldn't understand English but I said it anyway “Take care of her, give her a great life” before we hugged it out. Princess cried again and I held her chubby face in my hands. I knew she wouldn't understand me but I said “I love you. Goodbye.” As I turned she said loudly “Fuck me!” Danny and Tommy both gasped and said “What?” I said “Again, long story. I better take the rowboat I came here in and follow you two back to the South Dakota.” They said “You still have the boat?” I pointed to a nearby tree where the boat was and they said “That's just swell. Don't get lost again though or you'll have to find your own way home.” They got in their boat and left as I dragged mine back to the water. I looked up and all the villagers were waiving and saying goodbye. Princess was crying in Dean's chest and he did his best to console her. My heart felt so bad for Princess because she was the one hurt most of all. I had a life to go back to but she chose her mate and ended up being rejected. I just hoped she could forgive me someday.

As I started rowing out to see I started crying myself, I did want to go home and knew I would have been bored eventually but I didn't expect to be the life of the village for a few days. I caught up with Danny and Tommy and said “Hey fellas, can you do me a big favor?” Danny said “If you think you're going back to the island I'm going to hit you over the head with this oar.” I said “No no. These are peaceful islanders who have lived here undetected for thousands of years. I don't want them to be disturbed so can you tell the Captain that you found me adrift in this boat rather than on the island? Pretend it doesn't exist, just for me?” Danny said “Alright, if it means that much to you.” Tommy said “What about the shiner you just took from that big guy?” I touched my cheek which still stung like the Dickens and said “Remember when Lieutenant Abrams saw me fall and hit my head? I'll just say I landed on my face.” Tommy said “Sounds good to me.”

As we rowed I could see the South Dakota waiting for us in the distance. A lot of thoughts went through my head how I was THAT close to being an island villager the rest of my life if they hadn't found me. I would have been happy for a while but have gotten homesick. Still, when I was with Princess I felt alive. She would have made a perfectly obese wife. I thought about how she never would have been accepted by my family or anyone if she did come with me, but I would have loved her. I knew one thing though. If I did marry Edna eventually, she was going to get very....VERY fat. Even if it wasn't her, whoever I'm marrying is going to get as big as a house. Best believe that!



The village was bustling with activity as people prepared for the big announcement. Everyone was at the center of the village brimming with expectation. The Elder and his wife were standing at the platform giving updates to the crowd. Steve and his wife were pacing nervously with the other villagers as all eyes were on the Elder's villa. Suddenly Dean emerged from Princess' villa and shouted something to Elder. Elder then clapped his hands and shouted to the crowd. The crowd exploded in cheers and everyone celebrated. A few moments later, the Elder's wife emerged with a baby in her arms wrapped up in Larry's loincloth. The villa drapes opened to see Princess waiving groggily to the crowd while holding hands with Dean. Steve and his wife raised their fists and cheered as Princess had successfully given birth.

When the drapes closed the Elder's wife made coochie noises to the baby before passing it off to Elder. Elder held the baby close and studied its features. Elder smiled and looked out to the crowd looking like the proud grandfather he had now become. Elder then pulled back the loincloth and showed the baby boy to the cheering crowd. The baby had mixed skin of black and white and had his father's blue eyes but mother's features. Elder handed off his grandson to his wife and smiled. Steve and his wife smiled but Steve's smile slowly dissipated when he looked over his shoulder at an empty hut near the exit of the village. The baby's father had only lived in that hut for two days but nobody had the heart to tear it down. It was for the best, because one day someone else in the village would give birth and that child would grow up to need its own hut.

Meet the heir to the throne. The baby didn't know it yet but one day he would be a Prince to the village. His father would most likely be Elder by the time he turned 21 and ready for the ritual. Maybe one day he would be Elder himself. He would also be very fat by the time that happened. A future obese king just like his grandfather.